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Study at NCU

Home >  Study at NCU >  Information for International Students >  Renewal / Change of Period of Stay

Renewal / Change of Period of Stay

?You must renew your period of stay before your residence card expires.
?Renewal of the period of stay is accepted by the Immigration Bureau from up to 3 month before the expiration of the period of stay.
?Please apply early because it takes about a week to issue the documents prepared by the University.


1 Download the form titeled "在留期間更新許可申請書(Application for Extension of Staus)" and fill it out.
2 Bring the form titled "在留期間更新許可申請書(Application for Extension of Status)", a copy of your student ID and residence card to the International Exchange Center (1st floor,Building No.3, Takiko Campus).
3 Prepare the requird documents listed below.
4 Go to the Immigration Bureau of Japan.

Nagoya Immigration Bureau

Documents required to apply for Extension of Period of Stay at the Immigration Bureau

(1) "Certificate of Enrollment"
Issued at the automatic issuing machine on each campus.

(2) "Academic transcript"
Issued at the same place as Certificate of Enrollment.
Research students need a Certificate of Research Activities instead (Issued at the Graduate School Office)

(3) "Application form (applicant parts 1 to 3)"
Please download at the URL below.

(4) "4,000yen"
Please buy 4,000yen revenue stamp at the Immigration Bureau

(5) "Documents prepared by the University"
Issued at International Exchange Center(1Floor, Building No.3, Takiko Campus)